
  • Who does the Marietta live-on requirement apply to?

    The Marietta live-on requirement applies to traditional, full-time, or first-year students who are enrolling in a major that is based on the Marietta campus. 他们是 typically under the age of 21, recently graduated from high school 和 are registered to take a full load of classes (12 credit hours or more).

    This live-on requirement is in effect until 住房和居住生活 no longer has space to accommodate incoming first-year students on the Marietta campus. 有 limited housing availability, so you are encouraged to apply early. 居住要求 does not guarantee first-year students housing.

    个人可填写 豁免申请表格 along with valid supporting documentation if they meet any of the following requirements 第一天上课前:

    • Student is residing in the home of a parent or legal guardian. 必须是学生 to provide parent or legal guardian endorsement 和 address
    • Student is already or will be 21 by the first day of the academic year
    • Student is married 和/or has dependent children. 学生必须提供结婚证明 和/or dependent children via marriage 和/or birth certificates
    • Student is actively serving in the Armed Forces
    • Student is transferring from another accredited institution with 30 or more credit 小时数(无须填写豁免申请表)
      • AP 和/or dual enrollment credits accumulated in high school are considered on a case-by-case 基础
  • 如何提交豁免申请?

    Students who wish to request an for exemption for the upcoming Academic Year 和 Summer 学期,请填写 豁免申请表格.
  • Can I submit an exemption request outside of the requirements listed above?

    Requests for exemption to the first year live-on requirement based on compelling individual circumstances outside of the exemptions listed above will be considered on a case-by-case 基础.


  • Can I live on campus as a Georgia Highl和s student?

    Unfortunately, effective for Fall 2021, Georgia Highl和s students are no longer eligible to live on campus at 正规博彩十大网站排名.
  • Can I live on campus as a Dual Enrolled student?

    是的, you are eligible to live on campus as a Dual Enrolled student. 伸出手去 双招生计划 职员查阅其他资料.
  • 暑假期间我可以住在校园里吗?

    是的! We do have some summer housing options available for students wishing to remain on campus during the summer months (May, June, 和 July).
  • 我可以换房间吗??

    你 will need to complete a Room Change Request Form if you wish to change rooms. 

    We do not accept Room Change Request Forms until after the first two weeks of each 学期. If you need immediate assistance in your current living situation, please contact your Resident Assistant or visit the 住房 Office.

    Also, please underst和 we cannot guarantee you a room in the same community you are 目前分配给. We will do our best to accommodate your request.

  • 我可以带多大尺寸的电视?

    你 may bring any size television you wish, but please note that you are not allowed to mount the television to the wall in your unit.
  • If my unit comes with a full-size fridge, may I also have a mini fridge in my bedroom?

    是的, you may bring a personal mini fridge to have in your bedroom. 不能再多了 大于4立方英尺.
  • How can I find specific dimensions of my room?

    你 can use the measuring tool on our virtual tours to find dimensions of the floor plan that matches your unit. We have virtual tours online for all the floor plans within our residential communities. 当你打开虚拟之旅, 点击“测量模式”中的标尺,” 和 it will show you dimensions of the space.
  • 我在哪里可以找到装箱单?

    你 can find the packing list 和 more pre-arrival information on our 入学页面.
  • 哪些物品是被禁止的? 

    E-bikes, micro-mobility devices 和 motorcycles are not permitted inside residential 设施. Flammable items 和 items posing a fire hazard, such as fuel or items requiring an open flame to operate, may not be stored in residents' rooms or apartments, 因为它们是被禁止的. Additionally, mounted curtain rods are not allowed due to the potential damage they cause in the units.

    For a complete list of prohibited items, please refer to the 住宅手册住宅行为准则.


  • 我怎样支付房租?

    请浏览我们的 文件和付款页面 to view information on making a housing payment.
  • 我的房款什么时候到期?

    All housing fees are due at the University’s payment deadline. 你 can find these on our academic calendars for each 学期.
  • 是否有付款计划可供选择?

    是的, payment plan options are available through the Bursar’s Office which can be found 在这里.


  • If I cancel 和 then change my mind, do I need to reapply?

    是的, we have limited on-campus housing available, so if you cancel 和 then change your mind, you will need to start the process over 和 will be assigned a new time ticket for Room Selection based on when you complete the 住宅应用程序. 你 must pay the $200 non-refundable Application Initiation Fee again.


  • 我下课后可以搬出去吗?

    The 住房 License Agreement specifies the Agreement Period. 这个时期是不同的 这取决于你居住的社区. Check your 住房 License Agreement to see 如果你有10个月或12个月的合同.


  • 如果我住在学校,我有膳食计划吗?

    是的, all residential students will automatically be assessed a Meal Plan as part of 他们的住房计划. 你r Meal Plan assessment is based on your earned credit hours. 请查看 大学餐饮网站 了解更多具体信息.
  • 我的校内通讯地址是什么?




    玛丽埃塔,GA 30060

    To find your 校园邮箱号码, log in to the 房地产门户网站 和 select the "Personal Info" tab in the top gold menu bar.